Screening result key
1 | 'screened in' for equality impact assessment-including date of (EQIA) |
2 | 'screened out' with mitigation |
3 | 'screened out' without mitigation |
Showing 1 - 72 of 72 results
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Move from paper to online form for Parental Payments (Revised) | The parental payment itself has been equality screening and can be found on the EA website. |
12 April 2021 | 3 | Edit | |
Initial Equality Screening Home to School Transport Guidance (SEN) | This is a guidance document specifically concerned with transport from home to school at the start of the school day and transport from school to home at the end of the school day. |
07 May 2021 | 3 | Edit | |
Initial Screening Document Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Guidance for Contractors on School Premises | The policy codifies and clarifies the requirements around AccessNI checking for contractors working on EA sites and when roles fall within regulated activity in the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007. The document provides guidance to both EA staff and organizations contracting with us about when a check should be carried out. |
01 June 2021 | 3 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Initial Screening document - Data Strategy - | The EA’s Data Strategy aims to improve data management maturity across the EA. |
09 September 2021 | 3 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Screening Template - 2020 - EA Screening Template Covid-19 | As we continue to plan and manage our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, EA introduced a number of initial, short term, important measures in order to continue to deliver essential education and support services for children and young people, particularly those most vulnerable in our society. |
01 June 2020 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Pre-Employment Checking Service (PECS) | As part of the on-going improvements introduced to EA’s recruitment and selection processes in 2019, a review of the supporting pre-employment checking processes has also taken place. |
16 July 2020 | 3 | Edit | |
Review of Youth Service Provision in the West Belfast Area | EA Youth Service is required under the “Priorities for Youth Policy” to deliver services in response to assessed need and to support the Department of Education (DE) priorities at a local and regional level. |
26 August 2020 | 2 | Edit | |
Guidance On Supporting Staff To Return To Schools | The guidance is for Principals and line managers to support staff returning to school following the closure of schools on 23 March 2020 for the normal education of children in schools following the Covid-19 pandemic. |
26 August 2020 | 2 | Edit | |
LYNC – Linking Youth to New Careers Programme – Q2 | Through ongoing engagement with young people throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the EA Youth Service is also acutely aware of the negative effects of this on employment pathways and educational opportunities for young people and wish to address these through the LYNC programme. |
23 September 2020 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
A Framework for Specialist Provision in Mainstream Schools | The Framework for Specialist Provision in Mainstream Schools sets out the rationale and delivery framework with regards to specialist provision in mainstream schools across Northern Ireland |
15 October 2020 | 2 | Edit | |
Special Schools Area Planning Framework | The Framework also develops criteria and indicators to evaluate our special school estate in order to identify need and make suitable provision for future needs of children and young people with special educational needs. |
15 October 2020 | 2 | Edit | |
Equality Screening Article 60 Funding - 2020 | The proposal is to develop a policy to derive a fair and consistent Article 60 budget for each Special School, calculated on a consistent basis for each school. It is proposed that this would operate on a pilot basis for the 2020-21 financial year. |
02 November 2020 | 3 | Edit | |
Digital Admissions November 2020 | To introduce on-line applications for admission to pre-school education, primary and post primary schools that will provide a modern and efficient admissions service for all stakeholders. |
19 November 2020 | 2 | Edit | |
Contractual Enrolment Rectification (pension contributions) | This screening relates to the decision to rectify an administrative error around the contractual enrolment of some employees into the NILGOSC pension scheme. |
17 December 2020 | 3 | Edit | |
Menopause Workplace Policy | The policy document sets out the Education Authority’s (EA) commitment to supporting women in the workplace. The Policy Recognizes that women may need additional consideration, support and adjustments during the time of change before, during and after the menopause. The development of this Policy was committed to as part of the EA Gender Action Plan 2019-2022. |
18 December 2020 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Initial Equality Screening - St Brecans Youth Centre Closure | 23 March 2021 | 3 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Human Resources: Proposed restructuring of posts reporting to functional managers in HR Services and Corporate HR & Business Partnering. | This screening exercise covers proposals in relation to posts reporting to the above functional managers which are currently based on structures inherited from the 5 former Education & Library Boards. |
10 May 2019 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Proposed new Permanent Information Governance Unit structure | The Information Governance Unit is tasked with the development and implementation of clear organisational structures, systems and procedures for the management of information |
16 September 2019 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Guidance for schools, EOTAS centres and Youth Service on supporting transgender young people | The Education Authority has developed guidance for schools, EOTAS centres and Youth Service on supporting transgender young people. |
16 October 2019 | 2 | Edit | |
Guidance for young women, schools, childcare providers and other stakeholders in accessing support services for School aged mothers (SAMs) | This suite of guidance was developed to improve outcomes for school age mothers (SAMs) by providing a labelled pathway of integrated support for young parents and their families, as well as other stakeholders. |
05 November 2019 | 3 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
EA Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2019 – 22) | The aim of this document is to introduce a focused health and wellbeing strategy and action plan for EA, which will provide health and wellbeing initiatives and bring existing initiatives under one banner. |
10 January 2020 | 3 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Dignity at Work Policy and Code of Practice for Non-Teaching Staff Employed in Controlled and Maintained Schools | (Previously named Statement of Policy and Code of Practice on Measures to Combat Harassment in the workplace for non- teaching staff in Controlled Schools and non-teaching staff in Maintained Schools). The policy aims to provide a framework of guidance which will allow Schools/Boards of Governors to deal with dignity at work complaints and consider the rights and obligations of those involved. |
18 May 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
Work Experience Policy | As one of the largest educational bodies in the United Kingdom and a major employer in Northern Ireland, we acknowledge the value of placing young people in work experience situations. |
22 May 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
New Local and Regional Funding Scheme for Voluntary Youth Work Organisations in Northern Ireland | The Scheme aims to implement key policy directives contained within the DE Priorities for Youth policy (2013) and to support related actions identified in the EA Regional Youth Development Plan (2017-20). In funding youth services, EA must also align with a number of other relevant policies. |
24 May 2018 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Residential and Outdoor Learning Service Provision – Moving Forward | This screening has been updated following an individual engagement exercise with impacted staff. This exercise accounted for individual staff needs and sought the best outcome based on staff’s individual circumstances. This exercise was completed by the end of July 2018. |
18 July 2018 | 3 | Edit | |
EA Corporate Business Plan 2018-19 | The EA Corporate Business Plan 2018-19 details the Key Results and associated Actions, which the organisation plans to achieve in 2018-19. |
16 August 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
Standardisation Of The Parental Payment Scheme | The paper details the current processes with regard to payments made to parents under the Home to School Transport Scheme and outlines a single standardised approach for taking this forward for the Authority. |
13 September 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
Digital Transformation Programme Screening Document – Digital Admissions Policy | The EA has deemed that the introduction of Digital Admissions does not have a major impact and therefore does not require an Equality Impact Assessment. |
24 September 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
Model School Complaints Procedure for Parents, Carers, Other Stakeholders | The school complaints procedure has been in use by schools since 2008 and was reviewed in 2012. With the advent of the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman’s jurisdiction over schools in 2016, the procedure was again reviewed. |
10 September 2019 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Education Authority Website Project | The EA website will modernise and maximise the use of ICT for customer facing services; enhance communications; increase access and equality and deliver high quality educational services. |
05 October 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
Operations And Estates: Facilities Management Proposed 4th And 5th Tier Structure | The Facilities Management key function is leading and developing all aspects of facilities services including Maintenance, QSHE, Catering, Premises, Cleaning & Grounds. These managed services ensure that all properties that the Education Authority have responsibility for under each of the respective service areas in schools, offices and out-centres are maintained and operated to the highest standard. |
10 October 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
OPERATIONS AND ESTATES: PUPIL SERVICES & PROCUREMENT Proposed 4th and 5th Tier Structure | The proposed structure has been developed to reflect the need to deliver a regional capital planning and investment service, which ensures consistency, quality and value for money across all programmes and projects that the Authority manages. |
10 October 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
OPERATIONS AND ESTATES: TRANSPORT Proposed 4th And 5th Tier Structure | Transport assistance is provided for approximately 90,000 pupils and students on a daily basis at a cost of nearly £75 million per year. Whilst the primary responsibility for getting children to and from school rests with Parents; transport assistance is available for some children to facilitate their attendance at school. Children with disabilities or special educational needs may get additional help |
10 October 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
Implementation of the National Joint Council (NJC) Pay Award 2019 – 2020 | The NJC pay award, which is contractually binding for EA employees on NJC terms and conditions, was agreed for two years: 2018-19 and 2019-20. The 2018 award included ‘bottom-loading’ (i.e. higher percentage increases) spinal column points (SCPs) 6-19 (inclusive) in order to continue to close the significant gap with the National Living Wage (NLW). SCPs 20 and above received a 2% increase. |
23 October 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
Equality and Inclusion Strategy - EA Funded Youth Service | The purpose of the EA Youth Service Equality and Inclusion Strategy 2018-2021 is to provide a flexible framework within which equality and inclusion activities and services can be supported and delivered across the EA funded youth service. |
05 November 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
EA Electronic Payslips for all Non-teaching Staff (ePayslips) | EA wishes to extend the current online offering of ePayslips and P60’s in the Ballymena office. ePayslips/eP60 is the facility where EA staff can access their Payslips and P60s online instead of receiving paper copies to home through the post. |
09 November 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
Education Authority (EA) - Advertising of Internal Trawls on SharePoint | This screening deals with the move to replace the existing process of emailing employees weekly notices of internal trawls, with a SharePoint solution which will provide significant benefits to internal applicant who will be able to directly access internal trawls electronically and download job documentation as appropriate and at their convenience. |
17 December 2018 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
School Crossing Patrols | The Authority provides a School Crossing Patrol Service in line with this discretion. Even where this is provided it remains a parental responsibility to ensure the safety of their children for the entire journey to and from school. |
11 February 2019 | EA will not continue with this policy | Edit | |
Operations And Estates: Infrastructure And Capital Development Proposed 5th Tier Structure of Infrastructure and Capital Development Division | The proposed structure has been developed to reflect the need to deliver a regional capital planning and investment service, which ensures consistency, quality and value for money across all programmes and projects that the Authority manages. |
15 March 2019 | 2 | Edit | |
The Education Authority: Work Experience Arrangements (2018) | The Arrangements allows KS4 pupils and +16 pupils, in Controlled, Maintained and Irish Medium schools, to engage in a period of work placement and be absent from normal schooling. |
22 March 2019 | 3 | Edit | |
Education Authority Guidelines for Elective Home Education | Elective Home Education is the term used to describe the practice by which parents decide to educate their children outside of the school system. |
22 March 2019 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Early Years Special Education - Interim Arrangements for September 2017 | This paper sets out a proposed process for moving forward with interim arrangements for Early Years SEN provision for September 2017. Specifically, the paper addresses interim arrangements for placement / support of children in their pre-school year who can avail of a nursery place in the 2017/18 year, and for whom a special school placement has been deemed appropriate. |
13 April 2017 | 2 | Edit | |
Equal Opportunities Policy | The aim of this policy is to communicate the commitment of EA to the promotion of equality of opportunity, fair participation and good relations. |
05 May 2017 | 3 | Edit | |
Dignity at Work Policy and Code of Practice (previously named Policy Statement & Code of Practice on Measures to combat Harassment & Bullying in the workplace) | The policy aims to provide a framework of guidance which will allow the Education Authority (EA) to deal with dignity at work complaints and consider the rights and obligations of those involved. It is also to ensure that dignity at work complaints within the EA are dealt with in a fair and consistent manner and in accordance with this policy and the supporting code of practice and procedures. |
05 May 2017 | 3 | Edit | |
EA Strategic Plan 2017-2027 | The EA Strategic Plan 2017- 2027 details our Vision, Mission, Values and future strategic priorities over the next 10 years. The Strategic Plan is a high level document, which identifies the areas of work that we must take forward to progress towards the achievement of the strategic priorities and recognises the context in which we will do this. |
08 June 2017 | 3 | Edit | |
Maternity, Paternity, Adoption, Ordinary Parental and Shared Parental Leave Schemes. | The implementation of these schemes will enable the employing authority – the EA to comply with statutory legislation and associated regulations and provide detail in relation to the entitlements relating to each of the schemes. |
14 June 2017 | 3 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Reconstitution of schools Boards of Governors, 2018-2022 | This paper will outline the current practices regarding the recruitment and appointment of school governors within the education sector in Northern Ireland and put forward proposals to improve the process of appointing and electing governors. |
16 August 2017 | 2 | Edit | |
Equality and Human Rights Screening Policy | The responsibility of the screening rests with the respective senior manager who leads on the policy or decision (the ‘lead policy officer’). As a matter of good practice, and to ensure that screening is robust, s/he will involve others with relevant knowledge and experience in the exercise. |
25 September 2017 | 3 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Acceptable Use of ICT Policy. | The document sets out a consistent and modernised ICT Acceptable Use Policy for all users in EA. It clearly sets out the ‘Do’s’ and ‘Do Not’s’ in relation to the use of all ICT resources owned or operated by the organisation. |
20 October 2017 | 3 | Edit | |
Residential and Outdoor Learning Service Provision – Moving Forward (2017) | The review of Residential and Outdoor Education commenced on 1 July 2015 and was completed on 31 January 2016. These recommendations were put forward for public consultation from the 8 November 2016 to the 6 February 2017. The EA is now seeking to use of the information received from the public consultation to determine the future model of service delivery |
10 November 2017 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
A proposed new structure for procurement. | The Authority should establish a professionally qualified Head of CoPE to support the effective management of all procurement activity in the Authority. In order to achieve these principles, the proposed structure has been developed to reflect the need to deliver a regional procurement service for both Construction and Supplies & Services. |
19 January 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
Human Resources Proposed New Structure | HR has commenced its change programme by firstly implementing an interim functional area operating model as of January 2017. This interim model was to be reviewed within one year of operation. |
02 February 2018 | 3 | Edit | |
Operations And Estates: Infrastructure And Capital Development | The Education Authority employs almost 40,000 staff, has an annual budget of almost £1.5 billion and provides a wide range of educational services for nearly 340,000 children and young people. The division impacted by the proposed changes is Infrastructure and Capital Development, which sits within the Directorate of Operations and Estates. |
25 February 2018 | 3 | Edit | |
Education Authority (EA) Online Recruitment | EA wish to transform the recruitment function, currently paper based, to an electronic system. This is the next step on the road to digital transformation strategy that fits with the EA’s own priorities but also with the wider PfG targets. |
05 March 2018 | 2 | Edit | |
Youth Service Workforce Development Strategy 2018-2021 | The EA recognises the value of the workforce and the importance of having a skilled team of staff and volunteers who can 'inspire, support and challenge all our Children and Young People to be the best that they can be' . |
27 March 2018 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Special Education Early Years Framework – Phase 1 | The Policy outlines Phase 1 of a Support Framework for Early Years provision in Special Schools across EA. |
25 May 2016 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Scheme for the Termination of a Teacher’s Employment on the Grounds of Efficient Discharge of the Employer’s Function. | It seeks to drive up standards in schools by introducing a management tool to enable the termination of a teacher’s contract on grounds of efficient discharge of the employer’s function in circumstances where both the definition and the requirements of the scheme have been met. |
29 September 2016 | 3 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Providing Pathways - Draft Strategic Area Plan for School Provision 2017-2020 | The plan aims to ensure that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum that meets their needs in sustainable schools of the appropriate type and size which are located in the right place. |
22 November 2016 | 2 | Edit | |
Termination of Employment of EA Employees in Schools on the Grounds of Ill-health or Capacity 2. Termination of Employment of EA Employees not in Schools on the Grounds of Ill-health or Capacity | Promote fair and consistent treatment of employees in those circumstances where: · the weight of medical evidence suggests that an employee may no longer have the health or physical capacity for employment in their own role or in a suitable alternative role; or · an employee’s attendance at work is such as to question whether he/she is capable of providing regular and sustained service. |
01 December 2016 | 2 | Edit | |
EA Online Recruitment Advertising | On 1st October 2015, the Education Authority (EA) introduced a change in the way it publicly advertises teaching and non-teaching posts, by moving from recruitment advertising in newspapers to advertising via a range of electronic media, including the EA Corporate website, the DEL jobcentre, online1 , and other relevant online fora. |
21 December 2016 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Home to School Transport Assistance - On-line Application | This application automatically calculates the walking distance whereby the parents of clearly eligible pupils receive an immediate positive response. The policy is applicable to all parents making new applications for transport assistance to mainstream schools for their children for the school year starting in September 2017. |
01 January 2017 | 2 | Edit | |
EA Strategic Plan 2017-2027 | At this time there are no specific Section 75 categories which might be expected to benefit from the policy, rather It is envisaged that this plan will assist the EA to bring parity of access and more consistency for service provision across NI. |
10 February 2017 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Policy on Publishing Admissions Information | This policy aims to comply with legislative requirements and to take account of relevant government strategy whilst giving parents access to information on admissions to schools Related Policies. |
04 June 2015 | 3 | Edit | |
Risk Management Strategy (RMS) | The RMS outlines and presents the EA corporate philosophy towards risk management and identifies lead responsibility for ensuring that key risks are managed effectively. |
23 June 2015 | 3 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
EA Raising Concerns at Work (Whistleblowing) Policy and Response Plan | The aim of the above policy is to enable staff and members of the public to raise concerns about issues of public interest either internally or externally at an early stage. |
22 October 2015 | 3 | Edit | |
Anti-fraud Policy | The purpose of this policy is to set out the responsibilities of Authority employees regarding both the prevention of fraud and the procedures to be followed where a fraud is detected or suspected. |
22 October 2015 | 3 | Edit | |
Education Authority (EA) School Development Service Interim Restructuring | To provide interim arrangements for the School Development Service (SDS) element of the Education Quality and Standards Directorate (EQS). |
03 November 2015 | 2 | Edit |
Policy / Procedure and Screening Documentation | Policy Aims | Publication Date | Screening decision | ||
Teaching Appointments Scheme (the Scheme); & Guide to the Selection Process | The Scheme sets out the policy and procedures for the recruitment and selection of teaching staff employed by controlled schools in Northern Ireland. |
06 January 2016 | 3 | Edit | |
Scheme for the Management of Controlled Schools (the Scheme) | This scheme seeks to set out how Boards of Governors shall manage and control the school for which they are appointed, subject to the provisions of the Education Orders and regulations. |
06 January 2016 | 2 | Edit | |
Education Authority (EA) Education Library Service Interim Restructuring | To provide interim arrangements for the EA Education Library Service (ELS), which will replace the current Schools Library Services of the five former Education and Library Boards (ELBs). |
13 January 2016 | 2 | Edit | |
Education Authority (EA) Music Service Interim Restructuring | To provide interim arrangements for the EA Music Service, which will replace the current Music Services of the five former Education and Library Boards (ELBs). |
13 January 2016 | 2 | Edit | |
The Appropriate Use Of The Northern Ireland Substitute Teacher Register (Nistr) And Engagement Of Substitute Teachers In All Schools | The purpose of this document is to clearly set out for school principals, senior leaders, teachers and boards of governors the purposes for which the Northern Ireland Substitute Teacher Register (NISTR) should be used. |
19 February 2016 | 3 | Edit |