Art, Drama & Music
Beethoven | Play this game to find out about Beethoven and his music |
Celebrating Mbira | Explore Music from Around the World with your child |
Creative Learning Bursts | Learning through play with videos and downloadable materials |
Keeping Well
Coping with COVID-19 Isolation | Guidance for Supporting those with ASD and/or Learning Difficulties |
Emotional dysregulation poster | Supporting a Distressed or Angry Child or Young Person |
Anxiety Resource Pack | Ideas for dealing with anxious children and young people |
Bedtime | A visual timetable to print out and use when getting your child ready for bed |
Sleeping | Images to discuss sleeping with your child |
Sleep Well | Advice on helping your child to sleep well |
Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities | Activities to help your child learn to self-manage and mix with others (CCEA) |
Stress Check | A Lego Book to help you cope when life is stressful |
Life Skills
Doing school work at home | Social stories to help discuss with your child why they are working at home (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Self-Care, Work and Leisure | Help improve your child's self-care and ability to manage work and play (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Targeted support for day-to-day issues | Targeted support for day-to-day issues, e.g. managing a distressed child View webinars and register for new ones as advertised. (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Brushing Your Teeth Brushing | Advice for helping your child take care of their teeth |
Good Days and Bad Days in Lockdown | Pictures to help you and your child talk about Lockdown |
Managing Feelings | Downloadable 5-point scales to help your child manage their feelings (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Managing Free Time | Help your child make choices about how they can occupy their free time (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Personal Care | Help your child with hair brushing, nail cutting etc. (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Personal Care Leaflet | Advice on helping your child with their hair, nail cutting etc. |
Puberty for Boys | Advice on talking to your child about puberty and adolescence for boys |
Puberty for Girls | Advice on talking to your child about puberty and adolescence for boys |
Setting Up a Work Area at Home | Practical advice for you and your child (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Sense of self | Fun activities to develop your child's sense of self (CCEA) |
Managing Behaviour | Ideas for managing difficult behaviour |
Staying Motivated | Social stories and other resources to help you keep your child motivated Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Smearing Advice Sheet | Advice on dealing with times when your child smears faeces |
Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities | Activities to help your child learn to self-manage and mix with others (CCEA) |
Toileting | Help your child develop good toilet habits |
The World Around Us (Science, History, Geography)
Earth Day - The Bee | Explore with your child how important bees are to growing plants |
Fun Learning for Kids | Learn maths, literacy and science through art and other activities |
Sensory play ideas | 50+ actvities using slime, doughetc. |
Art, Drama & Music
Beethoven | Play this game to find out about Beethoven and his music |
Celebrating Mbira | Explore Music from Around the World with your young person |
Keeping Well
Coping with COVID-19 Isolation | Guidance for Supporting those with ASD and/or Learning Difficulties |
Emotional dysregulation poster | Supporting a Distressed or Angry Child or Young Person |
Anxiety Resource Pack | Ideas for dealing with anxious children and young people |
Bedtime | A visual timetable to print out and use when getting your young person ready for bed |
Sleeping | Images to discuss sleeping with your young person |
Sleep Well | Advice on helping your young person to sleep well |
Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities | Activities to help your young person learn to self-manage and mix with others (CCEA) |
Stress Check | A Lego Book to help you cope when life is stressful |
Life Skills
Anxiety Resource for Teens | Downloadable resources |
Building Capacity | Strengthen your child's skills, confidence and abilities (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Building Capacity | Strengthen your young person's skills, confidence and abilities (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Doing school work at home | Social stories to help discuss with your young person why they are working at home (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Managing Feelings | Downloadable 5-point scales to help youryoung person manage their feelings (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Self-Care, Work and Leisure | Help improve your young person's self-care and ability to manage work and play (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Targeted support for day-to-day issues | Targeted support for day-to-day issues, e.g. managing meltdowns. View webinars and register for new ones as advertised. |
Good Days and Bad Days in Lockdown | Pictures to help you and your child talk about Lockdown |
Managing Free Time | Help your young person make choices about how they can occupy their free time (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Personal Care | Help your young person with hair brushing, nail cutting etc. (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Setting Up a Work Area at Home | Practical advice for you and your young person (Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Staying Motivated | Social stories and other resources to help you keep your young person motivated Centre for Autism: Middletown) |
Smearing Advice Sheet | Advice on dealing with times when your young person smears faeces |
Brushing Your Teeth Brushing | Advice for helping your young person take care of their teeth |
Personal Care Leaflet | Advice on helping your young person with their hair, nail cutting etc. |
Puberty for Boys | Advice on talking to your young person about puberty and adolescence for boys |
Puberty for Girls | Advice on talking to your young person about puberty and adolescence for boys |
Sense of self | Fun activities to develop your young person's sense of self (CCEA) |
Managing Behaviour | Ideas for managing difficult behaviour |
Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities | Activities to help your young person learn to self-manage and mix with others (CCEA) |
Toileting | Help your young person develop good toilet habits |
The World Around Us (Science, History, Geography)
Earth Day - The Bee | Explore with your young person how important bees are to growing plants |