Emotional Health


Art, Drama & Music

Beethoven Play this game to find out about Beethoven and his music
Celebrating Mbira Explore Music from Around the World with your child
Creative Learning Bursts Learning through play with videos and downloadable materials

Keeping Well

Coping with COVID-19 Isolation Guidance for Supporting those with ASD and/or Learning Difficulties
Emotional dysregulation poster Supporting a Distressed or Angry Child or Young Person
Anxiety Resource Pack Ideas for dealing with anxious children and young people 
Bedtime A visual timetable to print out and use when getting your child ready for bed
Sleeping Images to discuss sleeping with your child
Sleep Well Advice on helping your child to sleep well
Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities Activities to help your child learn to self-manage and mix with others (CCEA)
Stress Check A Lego Book to help you cope when life is stressful

Life Skills

Doing school work at home Social stories to help discuss with your child why they are working at home (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Self-Care, Work and Leisure Help improve your child's self-care and ability to manage work and play (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Targeted support for day-to-day issues Targeted support for day-to-day issues, e.g. managing a distressed child View webinars and register for new ones as advertised. (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Brushing Your Teeth Brushing Advice for helping your child take care of their teeth
Good Days and Bad Days in Lockdown Pictures to help you and your child talk about Lockdown
Managing Feelings Downloadable 5-point scales to help your child manage their feelings (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Managing Free Time Help your child make choices about how they can occupy their free time  (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Personal Care Help your child with hair brushing, nail cutting etc. (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Personal Care Leaflet Advice on helping your child with their hair, nail cutting etc.
Puberty for Boys Advice on talking to your child about puberty and adolescence for boys
Puberty for Girls Advice on talking to your child about puberty and adolescence for boys
Setting Up a Work Area at Home  Practical advice for you and your child (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Sense of self Fun activities to develop your child's sense of self (CCEA)
Managing Behaviour Ideas for managing difficult behaviour
Staying Motivated Social stories and other resources to help you keep your child motivated Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Smearing Advice Sheet Advice on dealing with times when your child smears faeces
Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities Activities to help your child learn to self-manage and mix with others (CCEA)
Toileting Help your child develop good toilet habits

The World Around Us (Science, History, Geography)

Earth Day - The Bee Explore with your child how important bees are to growing plants
Fun Learning for Kids Learn maths, literacy and science through art and other activities
Sensory play ideas  50+ actvities using slime, doughetc.


Art, Drama & Music

Beethoven Play this game to find out about Beethoven and his music
Celebrating Mbira Explore Music from Around the World with your young person

Keeping Well

Coping with COVID-19 Isolation Guidance for Supporting those with ASD and/or Learning Difficulties
Emotional dysregulation poster Supporting a Distressed or Angry Child or Young Person
Anxiety Resource Pack Ideas for dealing with anxious children and young people 
Bedtime A visual timetable to print out and use when getting your young person ready for bed
Sleeping Images to discuss sleeping with your young person
Sleep Well Advice on helping your young person to sleep well
Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities Activities to help your young person learn to self-manage and mix with others (CCEA)
Stress Check A Lego Book to help you cope when life is stressful

Life Skills

Anxiety Resource for Teens Downloadable resources
Building Capacity  Strengthen your child's skills, confidence and abilities (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Building Capacity  Strengthen your young person's skills, confidence and abilities (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Doing school work at home Social stories to help discuss with your young person why they are working at home (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Managing Feelings Downloadable 5-point scales to help youryoung person manage their feelings (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Self-Care, Work and Leisure Help improve your young person's self-care and ability to manage work and play (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Targeted support for day-to-day issues Targeted support for day-to-day issues, e.g. managing meltdowns. View webinars and register for new ones as advertised.
Good Days and Bad Days in Lockdown Pictures to help you and your child talk about Lockdown
Managing Free Time Help your young person make choices about how they can occupy their free time  (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Personal Care Help your young person with hair brushing, nail cutting etc. (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Setting Up a Work Area at Home  Practical advice for you and your young person (Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Staying Motivated Social stories and other resources to help you keep your young person motivated Centre for Autism: Middletown)
Smearing Advice Sheet Advice on dealing with times when your young person smears faeces
Brushing Your Teeth Brushing Advice  for helping your young person take care of their teeth
Personal Care Leaflet Advice on helping your young person with their hair, nail cutting etc.
Puberty for Boys Advice on talking to your young person about puberty and adolescence for boys
Puberty for Girls Advice on talking to your young person about puberty and adolescence for boys
Sense of self Fun activities to develop your young person's sense of self (CCEA)
Managing Behaviour Ideas for managing difficult behaviour
Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities Activities to help your young person learn to self-manage and mix with others (CCEA)
Toileting Help your young person develop good toilet habits

The World Around Us (Science, History, Geography)

Earth Day - The Bee Explore with your young person how important bees are to growing plants
Last updated: 03/07/2020