Reconstitution of School Boards of Governors

Reconstitution Explained

School Boards of Governors are usually reconstituted every four years, when members complete their term of office.   

The process for the reconstitution of Boards of Governors for the next term of office (2024-2028) was initiated by DE inOctober 2023 - Information on the Reconstitution of Controlled and Maintained school Boards of Governors 2024.

The key steps in the process are outlined below: 

  • EA and DE raise awareness of opportunities to apply for volunteer governor positions and encourage applications. 
  • Current EA governors are contacted to let them know their term of office is coming to an end. All governors are told about the application process for the next term of office. Anyone who wishes to be considered for an EA governor position must complete an application form. 
  • All EA governor applications are considered equally to seek to provide the appropriate skills and experience schools need. 

Information on the School Governor Application Process

If you are interested in becoming a school governor, the link below provides information, guidance and support on the application process.

Information Video on Reconstitution of Boards of Governors

Election of Parent and Teacher Governors

Last updated: 23/10/2024