School Finance

Under the Local Management of Schools funding arrangements, the Education Authority is required to pass on the calculated share of each funding stream budget directly to its schools, maximising the delivery of available resources to the classroom.

Under the application of the Common Funding Scheme, the Board of Governors of every school receives a delegated budget to meet the on-going costs of running their school, enabling them to plan and use resources to maximum effect in accordance with their school’s needs and priorities.

The Education Authority is required to set out the conditions under which the Board of Governors of each controlled and maintained school is given delegated authority and its delegated budget.

Voluntary grammar and grant-maintained integrated schools are subject to separate funding arrangements operated by the Education Authority under the Financial and Audit Arrangements Manuals. The funding authority responsibility for all voluntary grammar and  grant-maintained integrated schools has  transferred from the Department of Education to the Education Authority from 1 April 2017. 

Further details can be found by visiting the pages below.

Benchmarking Data 

Closing Schools – Pupil Transfer Funding Adjustments

Budget Notifications LMS

Local Management of School (LMS)

Voluntary Grammar Schools

Grant Maintained Integrated Schools

Pay Award Reimbursement Template

Template for Controlled & Maintained schools showing breakdown of Teachers Pay Award arrears and reimbursement.

Last updated: 04/10/2024