Supporting learning is a suite of resources designed to meet teachers’ professional learning needs during this school year. Access is also available via the tab on the My School landing page. Materials and details of webinars are updated regularly.
Although your child’s school is the first place which should be providing guidance, if you would like to support your child’s learning at home further, you may find the following resources useful.
Latest guidance for arrangements in schools from the Department of Education
Keeping Safe Online
Safety online is everyone’s concern and at this time when so much of a young person’s day is spent engaging with materials online either for education or entertainment, safety is really important.
As schools are engaging with pupils more in a virtual environment, make sure your child follows the guidance issued by their school. Here are some top tips as they get ready for this at home;
- Be on time
- Make sure you are connected
- Make sure the laptop is charged
- Find a quiet space
- Switch the camera off
- Dress appropriately
- Mute the mic when asked
- Use the Chat function to ask questions
- Do not take pictures or screenshots, or add filters
- Raise your hand to speak
- Engage, interact and chat
INEQE resources will support you and your child in understanding what the potential pitfalls are and what steps you can take to stay safe.
CCEA have compiled resources and guidance on how to keep young people safe online, updated to cover the Children’s Code and signposting to other organisations which can help.
Learning online through C2K
Schools in Northern Ireland have access to technology tools and resources through “C2k”. These tools have the potential to provide active learning experiences, safe access to resources in a secure environment and collaborate with other learners as well as their teachers.
C2k has provided for free access to Microsoft Office 365 for all children and young people in NI, with up to 5 downloads to a variety of devices including tablets. This information sheet explains how to download the app.
My School is the link into C2k services when your child is not in school. A valid username and password is required. C2k Passwords automatically expire 120 days after they were last reset in order to maintain a level of security on the system. Go to C2K Services if you know your C2K password and need to reset it. If you don’t remember your password, you need to contact your school.
C2K Newsdesk has great resources and activities for children and young people to learn in school and at home. Children can read and listen to interesting articles, watch video content, share pictures and writing that they have created, all in a safe, moderated environment. The activities and topics are updated daily. Visit CCEA to find out more.
Health and Wellbeing
The Public Health Agency (PHA) website has the latest guidance.
Rise NI have launched a website for parents which provides support information for many aspects of health and safety and online resources.
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
It is impossible to replicate the classroom or school experience at home, so don’t try to put yourself under pressure to do that. At the same time as promoting a stable structure to your child’s day, there should also be flexibility.
There are groups around who can provide specialist support, especially in the area of emotional health and wellbeing, for adults as well as young people. Here are some additional links:
CCEA has compiled a list of organisations offering support on mental health and wellbeing.
Our Safer Schools has resources to help when explaining coronavirus to children, according to age.
A free information book explaining the coronavirus to children, illustrated by Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler. Also available as an audio book.