Each school must complete an Information Asset Register (IAR). This sets out what information a school holds, why, for how long and how it is stored, used, accessed, and shared. This is a key requirement under UK GDPR and it is essential that schools have a completed IAR in place. Please find a template IAR for schools below together with Guidance on how to complete it.
When completing the IAR, schools should refer to the Schools model disposal of records schedule published by the Department of Education. Please find a link to this Schools model disposal of records schedule below.
Information Asset Register
Each school must complete an Information Asset Register (IAR). This sets out what information a school holds, why, for how long and how it is stored, used, accessed and shared. This is a key requirement under GDPR and it is essential that schools have a completed IAR in place by 25 May 2018. When completing the IAR, schools should refer to the Department of Education Retention and Disposal Schedule.