Education Authority Board

Information on the Education Authority Board, Committees and meeting schedule. 

The Education Authority became operational on 1 April 2015 in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act (Northern Ireland) 2014Infomra

The Board of the Education Authority is made up of 20 members plus the Chair as set out below. 

  • 8 political members who were nominated by political parties according to the D’Hondt mechanism;    
  • 4 members representative of the interests of the Transferors (the 3 main Protestant churches) of Controlled schools;
  • 4 members representative of the interests of the Trustees of Catholic Maintained schools;
  • 1 member representative of the interests of Integrated schools;
  • 1 member representative of the interests of Irish medium schools;
  • 1 member representative of the interests of Voluntary Grammar schools; and
  • 1 member representative of the interests of Controlled Grammar schools.


Mervyn StoryMr Mervyn Storey took up appointment as the Chairperson of the Education Authority’s Board on 1 January 2025. 

Mervyn brings a wealth of expertise and experience to this role at a critical moment as we seek to transform our education system for the next generation. He has a sound understanding of the education landscape and an appreciation of the values that underpin the work of the Authority.

Having served as a member of the Board of the Education Authority since May 2022, Mervyn has developed an in-depth understanding of the significant operational challenges that the EA is facing, not least in terms of the delivery of Special Educational Needs provision.  He is paid circa £50,000 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of three days per week.

Mervyn previously served in the Northern Ireland Executive, where he was Minister for Social Development from 2014 to 2016, and then Minister for Finance between January and March 2016.  He also held the position of Chair of Education Committee for the Northern Ireland Assembly from 2008 to 2014.  More recently, he has served as Chair of the Board of Governors of William Pinkerton Memorial Primary School and as a member of the Board of Governors of Ballymoney High School.  He is also currently a member of Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council.

Board Member Profiles

Rev Canon Amanda AdamsRev Canon Amanda Adams  is a Church of Ireland Minister in the Diocese of Connor. She is also a School Governor of two primary schools and one post-primary school.

Rev Canon Adams has been appointed to the Board to represent the interests of the Transferor Representatives’ Council (TRC). She was first appointed to the Board on 1 April 2015 and has been reappointed for a second term, commencing 1 April 2020 and ending on 31 March 2025. She is paid £8,800 per annum and is entitled to travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.

Patricia CarvilleMrs Patricia Carville is a former school principal.  She has been a CCMS Council member for over 20 years, is Chair of the Armagh Diocesan Education Committee and a School Governor in  two schools across both the primary and secondary sectors.

Mrs Carville has been appointed to the Board to represent the interests of the Northern Ireland Commission for Catholic Education (NICCE). She was first appointed to the Board on 1 April 2015 and has been reappointed for a second term, commencing 1 April 2020 and ending on 31 March 2025.  She is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.


Jonathan CraigMr Jonathan Craig MIED, is a former aircraft design engineer, a former Mayor of Lisburn Council, a former MLA and member of the Education Committee. He is a member of Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and a School Governor in two schools across both the primary and secondary sectors.

Mr Craig has been nominated to the Board by the Democratic Unionist Party.  He was first appointed to the Board on 1 June 2016. The Education (Northern Ireland) Act 2014 does not provide for a term of a specified length for political members but does provide that political members shall cease to be appointed (and new nominations sought) in the event of changes in the Executive and Assembly as defined under the 1998 Act. He is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.


Stephen DonnellyMr Stephen Donnelly is a member of the Board of Directors of Omagh Enterprise Company, a political member of both the Fermanagh and Omagh PCSP and the Omagh Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership and a member of the Board of Governors of Drumragh Integrated College and Omagh Integrated Primary School. Mr Donnelly has declared that during the last five years he has undertaken activity on behalf of the Alliance Party and has held a number of offices within the Party and has been involved in numerous election campaigns. He does not currently hold any other public appointments.

Mr Donnelly has been nominated to the Board by the Alliance Party.  He was first appointed to the Board on 31 May 2022. The Education (Northern Ireland) Act 2014 does not provide for a term of a specified length for political members but does provide that political members shall cease to be appointed (and new nominations sought) in the event of changes in the Executive and Assembly as defined under the 1998 Act. He is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.

Rachel FergusonMiss Rachael Ferguson is a member of the Alliance Party and a Tiny Tots Community Playgroup Voluntary Board Member. Miss Ferguson has declared that during the last five years she has undertaken activity on behalf of the Alliance Party and has stood for election and canvassed on behalf of the party and is the Alliance spokesperson for Mental Health and Suicide Awareness. 

Miss Ferguson has been nominated to the Board by the Alliance Party.  She was first appointed to the Board on 31 May 2022. The Education (Northern Ireland) Act 2014 does not provide for a term of a specified length for political members but does provide that political members shall cease to be appointed (and new nominations sought) in the event of changes in the Executive and Assembly as defined under the 1998 Act. She is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.


Ronnie HassardMr Ronnie Hassard is currently an Executive Member of the Governing Bodies’ Association (GBA NI) representing the voluntary grammar sector and is a member of the Board of Governors of Campbell College. He has over 40 years’ experience in controlled and voluntary post-primary schools. Mr Hassard brings to the Board experience of corporate governance and, as a former Principal of Wellington College and Ballymena Academy, he has substantial experience of budgetary management and applying financial management principles in an organisation. He has experience of meeting and negotiating with Trade Unions as the GBA representative on the Management Side of the Teachers’ Negotiating Committee and has represented the GBA on two Area Planning Local Groups and on the Project Board reviewing suspensions and expulsions. He was also a member of a ministerial expert group considering the future of qualifications. 

Mr Hassard has been appointed to the Board to represent the interests of the Governing Bodies’ Association. He was first appointed to the Board on 1 April 2021 and the term will end on 31 March 2025. He is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.


Robert HerronRev Robert Herron has been appointed to the Board to represent the interests of the Transferor Representatives’ Council (TRC). He was first appointed to the Board on 1 April 2015 and has been reappointed for a second term, commencing 1 April 2020 and ending on 31 March 2025.  He is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.

Maurice JohnstonMr Maurice Johnston previously served as a member of the North Eastern Education and Library Board for 12 years, and worked for the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for 37 years. He has been a governor at several schools in both the integrated and controlled sectors and is currently a member of the Board of Governors of Killinchy Primary School. He is a former Director of the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education.

Mr Johnston has been appointed to the Board to represent the interests of the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE). He was appointed to the Board on 1 April 2020 and his term ends on 31 March 2025. He is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.


Paul KavanaghMr Paul Kavanagh is currently employed by the Martin McGuinness Peace Foundation and served as Special Adviser to the former deputy First Minister.  

Mr Kavanagh has been nominated to the Board by Sinn Féin.  He was first appointed to the Board on 1 February 2021. The Education (Northern Ireland) Act 2014 does not provide for a term of a specified length for political members but does provide that political members shall cease to be appointed (and new nominations sought) in the event of changes in the Executive and Assembly as defined under the 1998 Act.  He is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.

John KyleDr John Kyle has declared that during the last five years he has undertaken activity on behalf of the PUP. He was Deputy Leader of the PUP and spoke on behalf of the party in that capacity. He left the PUP in December 2021 and became a member of the UUP in February 2022 and canvassed for the UUP during the recent Assembly elections. He does not currently hold any other public appointments.

Dr Kyle has been nominated to the Board by the Ulster Unionist Party. He was first appointed to the Board on 31 May 2022. The Education (Northern Ireland) Act 2014 does not provide for a term of a specified length for political members but does provide that political members shall cease to be appointed (and new nominations sought) in the event of changes in the Executive and Assembly as defined under the 1998 Act. He is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.

Marie LindsayMrs Marie Lindsay is a former school principal of St Mary’s College, Derry. She is a governor of a primary school, chairperson of the Board of Management of an Irish school and a member of Council at Ulster University. 

Mrs Lindsay has been appointed to the Board to represent the interests of the Northern Ireland Commission for Catholic Education (NICCE).  She was appointed on 1 April 2024 for a term of one year. She is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.


Frank MaskeyMr Frank Maskey is a former Principal of Corpus Christi College, Belfast and former Vice Principal of St Patrick’s College, Belfast. Prior to these positions he was a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering. He is a member of the Board of Directors in Newstart Education Centre, Belfast, a member of the Board of Governors of St Genevieve’s High School, Belfast, and Member of the Executive Committee and Chairperson of the Strategic Steering Group (Education) of the West Belfast Partnership Board.  

Mr Maskey has been nominated to the Board by Sinn Féin.  He was first appointed to the Board on 1 February 2021. The Education (Northern Ireland) Act 2014 does not provide for a term of a specified length for political members but does provide that political members shall cease to be appointed (and new nominations sought) in the event of changes in the Executive and Assembly as defined under the 1998 Act.  He is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.


Angela MervynMs Angela Mervyn is currently employed by the West Belfast Partnership Board in the role of Education Programmes Manager.  She is a member of the Board of Governors of St John the Baptist Primary School, Belfast, St Joseph’s Primary School, Belfast and St Mary’s University College, Belfast. 

Ms Mervyn has been nominated to the Board by Sinn Féin.  She was first appointed to the Board on 1 February 2021. The Education (Northern Ireland) Act 2014 does not provide for a term of a specified length for political members but does provide that political members shall cease to be appointed (and new nominations sought) in the event of changes in the Executive and Assembly as defined under the 1998 Act.  She is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.


Gillian McGrathMrs Gillian McGrath is a recently retired Director of Education in the Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (CCMS). Mrs McGrath brings to the EA Board experience of corporate governance and leading the Education Directorate in CCMS. She is a former primary school principal and was employed by ETI as an inspector of schools in all sectors and phases. She currently works as an independent education adviser.

Mrs McGrath has been appointed to the Board to represent the interests of the Northern Ireland Commission for Catholic Education (NICCE). She was first appointed to the Board on 1 February 2021 and her term will end on 31 March 2025. She is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.


Eilís Uí NéillMrs Eilís Uí Néill is a former teacher in the Irish Medium school sector and principal of Scoil na Fuiseoige, Dunmurry. She is an external reviewer for the Performance Review of Staff Development Scheme in several Irish medium schools and is a Professional Associate with Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta (CnaG). 

She has been appointed to the Board to represent the interests of CnaGShe was appointed on 1 April 2024 for a term of one year. She is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.

Trevor RobinsonMr Trevor Robinson OBE is retired from the teaching profession after 36 years working in the grammar school sector where he was headmaster of Lurgan College. He is a former Director of the Controlled Schools Support Council, President of the Association of School and College Leaders NI as well as Chairman of the Association of Controlled Grammar Schools. He is a Trustee of Ahorey Presbyterian Church. 

Mr Robinson has been appointed to the Board to represent the interests of the Association of Controlled Grammar Schools (ACGS). He was appointed on 1 April 2024 for a term of one year. He is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.

Arthur ScottMr Arthur Scott retired from the civil service after a career spanning 45 years, 20 of which were in a range of different senior civil service roles. He is an experienced leader with extensive knowledge of developing and/or contributing to the formulation of strategies, policies and corporate business plans including programme and project management and corporate governance matters. He is skilled in engaging with stakeholders to identify and discuss opportunities for change and collaboration or to seek views about proposed changes.

As a former Chief Executive/Director, he was personally responsible for the achievement of agreed Ministerial/ Departmental targets and specific programme and project delivery outcomes. As a Senior Sponsor for a number of non-departmental bodies, he independently assessed and provided additional assurance regarding their business performance and compliance with required governance standards. 

He has been appointed to the Board to represent the interests of the Northern Ireland Commission for Catholic Education (NICCE). He was appointed on 1 April 2024 for a term of one year. He is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.


Edith ShawMrs Edith Shaw is retired with a background in education and training and is a Governor of Methodist College Belfast and a Director of the Open College Network Northern Ireland.

She has been appointed to the Board to represent the interests of the Transferor Representatives’ Council (TRC). She was appointed on 1 April 2024 for a term of one year. She is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.  

Lord Weir is a former member of the Northern Ireland Assembly. He has served as Education Minister and previously Chairperson of the Northern Ireland Assembly’s Education Committee. He is a member of the House of Lords for which he receives an attendance allowance when participating in proceedings. He has declared that during the last five years he has undertaken political activity on behalf of the Democratic Unionist Party

Lord Weir has been nominated to the Board by the Democratic Unionist Party.  He was first appointed to the Board on 30 January 2025. The Education (Northern Ireland) Act 2014 does not provide for a term of a specified length for political members but does provide that political members shall cease to be appointed (and new nominations sought) in the event of changes in the Executive and Assembly as defined under the 1998 Act. He is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.


John WilkinsonMr John Wilkinson OBE was a post primary school principal for 23 years. He is a former member of the CCEA Council, the Southern Education and Library Board, the C2K Project Board and more recently, a Non-Executive Director of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust. He is an Associate with the CCEA.

He is an Associate with the CCEA. He has been appointed to the Board to represent the interests of the Transferor Representatives’ Council (TRC). He was appointed on 1 April 2024 for a term of one year. He is paid £8,800 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses based on a time commitment of approximately five days per month.

Last updated: 03/02/2025