Transport Operational Guidance

Information on home to school transport assistance for schools.

General Transport Information

The EA's Transport Service helps over 90,000 pupils attend school each day.

Schools should visit our Home to School Transport section for important information on eligibility, operational arrangements and contact details .
Some of the critical things that schools should be aware of include:

  • If considering a change to opening/closing times, schools should liaise with the Transport Service to determine if all transport services can cater for the proposed changes.  Please be aware many vehicles provide services to multiple schools.
  • Schools must not alter the transport arrangements for pupils who receive transport assistance (e.g. by placing a pupil on a different service) without seeking prior permission from the Transport Service.
  • Escorts and drivers cannot accompany pupils into, or collect pupils from inside, school buildings. 
  • Schools are asked to ensure drivers and escorts are allowed access to toileting and hand washing facilities if require

Useful Documents

Adverse Weather

Procedure for Dealing with Behavioural Problems on Public and EA Transport

Procedure for use of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) on EA Buses

Escort Leaflet

School Transport Policy

EA is funded to deliver transport in line with the Department of Education’s Transport Policy, Circular 1996/41 (Updated 2009).

For more information on home to school transport for pupils attending mainstream schools and statemented pupils with a special transport need see our Home to School Transport section.

Operational Dates

Each Spring the Education Authority advises schools of the dates on which school transport will be operating to help them when confirming their school calendar for the coming year.   

If a school chooses to open on dates when school transport is not operating, the school is responsible for making parents aware that transport will not be available.  Please note that all school transport services, including those operated by Translink, commence operation on 1st September each year.

Schools should also consult with transport should they intend to alter their normal opening or closing time on any date in order to determine whether this can be accommodated by the transport network.

Transport for educational outings

Schools are responsible for making transport arrangements for educational or other activities that require transport, and EA buses can be hired for these outings, subject to availability. 

In the interim please contact your local transport office if you wish to enquire about availability and cost of EA bus hire, or alternatively consult the guidance below if you choose to hire from a privately contracted operator.

Last updated: 31/10/2024